Malware is also sometimes malicious software: abbreviation of two words, sometimes cunning or malicious, is software that is intentionally or intentionally inserted into a computer system for malicious purposes, without the consent of the owner.
They may be used to disable computer operation, gather sensitive information, or access private computer systems.
When installing malware, it can be extremely difficult to remove
. Depending on the severity of the program, this can range from a minor inconvenience (some unwanted ad windows, while the user is working on a computer, whether online or offline) to irreparable damage that requires reformatting the hard drive, for example.
Examples of malware are viruses and Trojans.
Malware should not be confused with malware and defective software, which is written for legitimate purposes but contains errors or problems.
1 Malware log
Many malware that appeared early including the first Internet worm was written as an experimental or a joke. Today, it is used by Republican hackers with Black Hat hackers and governments to steal commercial, personal and financial information.
Malware is generally used against governments and corporate websites to collect protected information.
Or to disable their work in general. However, malware is often used against individuals to collect information such as personal identification numbers, details, credit card numbers, banks, and passwords.
Personal computers, as well as unattended networks, can be exposed to numerous malware threats (often protected by firewalls, antivirus, and network devices).
Since the advent of broadband Internet access through broadband packages, malware is often designed for profit.
Since 2003, most viruses and worms have been designed extensively to control users' computers for exploitation on the black market.
Malware is sometimes used extensively against government or corporate websites to collect heavily guarded information, or to disrupt its overall functioning.
However, malware is often used against individuals to obtain personal information such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, banks, etc.
Personal computers and network computers may be at high risk against these threats, if left unattended. (Most often, countermeasures are taken by different types of firewalls, antivirus programs, and network devices.)
Another category of malware appeared for profit, called spyware.
These programs are designed to monitor users' Internet browsing, display unwanted ads, or redirect RPM revenue to the spyware builder, with the goal of getting their ad support (program creator) to generate advertising revenue due to high user access.
Spyware does not spread like viruses. Instead, it is usually installed by exploiting vulnerabilities. They can also be packaged with user installation programs, such as peer-to-peer applications.
The most aggressive program is what is designed to sabotage or cause data loss.
Many viruses running in the MS-DOS environment are designed to destroy files on your hard drive or to sabotage the file system by writing meaningless data
. We can give web worms like Code Red or Ramen worm the same classification, they are designed to sabotage information as well as for web pages.
Computers infected with the zombie virus were used to send or host mail containing prohibited items such as the exploitation of minors, or to organize distributed denial of service attacks as a means of extortion.
Young programmers may have just written some malware to demonstrate their software capabilities, what they can do and to what extent. Revenge was also a motivation for writing malware. For example, a programmer or manager about to be fired leaves the back door entrances to the system or programs such as a "time bomb" that allows him to destroy the former employer's system or sabotage his previous work.
A virus version has emerged, usually exploited by exploiting vulnerabilities in your web browser or installing it as a Trojan horse when you install another program.
2 Malware prevalence
The initial output of Symantec Anti-Virus was published in 2008, suggesting that malware and unwanted software may exceed the number of actual legal programs and applications, based on what F-Secure says in 2007 as much as the previous 20 years.
The general path that criminals use for online users comes from email and the World Wide Web.
3 Infectious malware: viruses and worms
Computer virus and computer worm
These programs (viruses and worms) know this classification not because of the specific work they do, but because of the way they spread. Originally, the term "computer virus" was used for programs that were transferred by copying themselves into other executable programs, while "worms" spread themselves on the network to infect other computers.
Currently, one terminology is used instead of the other often.
Some determine the difference between viruses and worms by saying that the virus requires user intervention in order to spread while the worm spreads automatically.
E-mail-based infections can be classified as viruses, because they depend on the message recipient that is opened by the message recipient to infect the system.
4 Ways of disappearance: Trojans and so-called RootKit
In order for the Trojans to perform their task, they must be able to run them without being turned off by the user or the system administrator who runs them.
First of all, disappearance is a way that helps a Trojan horse start working in the system.
When a user believes that the program is innocent or desirable, the user may be motivated to install the program without knowing what the program is doing. This is the technique used by the Trojans.
In general, Trojans are any program that invites a user to run but hides damage or bad results.
These results can be anything: it may work directly like deleting all user files, or it is possible (and more broadly) to install malware into the user's system to serve the horse's long-term goals.
Trojans known as trains are used to initiate the spread of the worm by injecting this worm into the user's local network.
One of the most common ways to spread spyware is a Trojan horse with another user-requested program downloaded over the Internet or file-sharing networks between users. When the user installs the software, spyware is installed with it.
Some spyware writers who try to act legally in the end user license agreement may guarantee what the description of spyware performance is, knowing that the user will often not read or understand it.
After installing malware on your system, it's often best for the author to remain hidden.
The same is true when someone directly penetrates the computer.
This technique known as RootKits provides this concealment by modifying the host system files so that the malware is hidden from the user
. Additionally, RootKit may prevent the malware process from appearing in the list of running programs, or prevent its files from being read.
Initially, RootKit (or Root Tools) was a set of tools installed by a hacker on a Unix system where an attacker could access an administrator or Root.
Now, the term is used at a more general level and is called hide procedures in malware.
5 Backdoors Style
Rear doors are a way or way to pass actions that seem legitimate, usually via a network connection such as the Internet.
Once this system is turned on, one or more rear doors are installed to allow a hidden traffic port in the target user's receiver.
The reason for this appearance is that computer component manufacturers pre-install the rear doors on their systems so that they can provide buyers with technical support, but this is not used properly.
Rear doors may be manufactured by Trojans, worms, transplants or other methods.
6 Malware for profit (spyware, robots, loggers, dialers)
During the 1980s and 1990s, the idea of malware was that it was created for the purpose of sabotage or joking.
But recently, most malware has been written for profit. In the desire of the authors of these programs to control the infected systems and transfer this control to return them with financial return.
Since 2003, spyware has become the most expensive (in terms of money and time to restore systems)
. Spyware is a commercially created program * to collect information about computer users, * display ad windows *, and modify the performance of the Internet browser for the benefit of the software maker.
Some other spyware seen modifies the ad support code so that its revenue is directed to the cunning creator instead of the real website owner.
Spyware is usually installed in one form or another from Trojans: they differ in their origin, and publicly present themselves as a commercial (for example, selling ad space on windows that appear from the program).
Most of these programs offer the user a license agreement for use, which means the originator is protected from prosecution.
Another way to encourage the creators of these programs to take advantage of them is to use these computers to do the work for them.
Spam viruses (or spam), including the Sobig and Mydoom family of viruses, operate on spam domains. Infected computers are used as proxy servers to send spam.
The benefit of the sender who uses infected computers is that they are available in large quantities (all thanks to viruses!) As they provide them invisible, thus protecting them from being pursued.
Spammers also used infected computers to organize denial-of-service attacks distributed to anti-spam organizations.
In order to coordinate the activities of many infected computers, attackers used Android networks.
In these systems, malware reaches the IRC (Internet Chat) channel or other chat system.
An attacker can give instructions to all infected systems at the same time.
BotNets can be used to download an updated version of malware on the infected system to keep it safe from antivirus or other security measures.
Finally, the creator of the program can physically benefit by simply stealing from the person who owns the infected computer.
In the sense that it is possible to steal passwords or anything else financial.
Some programs install a key recorder to copy user limits on your computer keyboard when you enter a password, credit card number, or other useful information.
They are then automatically sent to the creator of the program, allowing them to steal a credit card and any other form of theft.
In the same way, the program can copy a CD key or password to the online game, allowing it to steal accounts or other virtual objects.
Another way to steal from the infected computer is to control the modem and make expensive calls, then leave the line open, costing the user large phone bills.
7 Treatment of injury
Unfortunately, cleaning up an operating system infected with malware is no longer as simple as it was at first.
This software has become more difficult to scan than ever before.
In fact, it is no longer surprising that there is an arsenal of security products, antivirus, spyware, etc.
to make sure that every malicious program has been removed well, and it is better to install a new version of the operating system with a thorough scan of the infected device.
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